Dispatcher? manages an Activation Queue of service requests that are pending execution; it decides which request to de-queue next and execute on a Service Delegate object that implements the request. Dispatcher&管理等待执行的服务请求的激活队列;它决定接下来哪个请求退出队列并在实现该请求的ServiceDelegate对象上执行。
Meanwhile, a dispatcher detects the request and invokes the implementation, which runs the method and puts the result on the output queue. 同时,一个调度器将检测请求,并调用实现,该实现运行方法,并将输出放到输出队列中。
For example, if a message is successfully transferred over an x.400 connector, the dispatcher updates the responsibility flags for the message recipients in the work queue to indicate transfer success. 例如,如果成功通过x.400连接器传输邮件,则发送器将更新工作队列中邮件收件人的责任标记,以指示传输获得成功。
The dispatcher checks to see whether the next process in the queue is in memory. 调度器检查队列中的下一个过程是否在内存中。
After discussing the importance of management of shared memory in middleware system, all kinds of relationship between message dispatcher and message queue adopted by shared memory management technology are put forward. 提出了消息队列中间件系统中消息分发器与消息队列的各种组合关系,描述了各种形式下的消息流过程,对每种方式作了详细分析和讨论,总结了各自的特点。